You want to analyze the entire funnel because it’s important to make sure you're making the most informed decisions, right?
Marketing isn't all about raising awareness about your business, and getting more leads. This is closer to the definition of demand generation. And, while this is an important part of the mix, there is a lot more that goes into a well-oiled full funnel marketing strategy.
“B2B customers don't search for products, they search for problems." – Jacob Baadsgaard
Full funnel program is a conceptual framework:
From brand awareness to customer acquisition. Engage with prospects at each phase of the customer journey and proactively move buyers through the sales funnel. Roverpath's Full Funnel program, addresses the requirement for a wide range of qualifications right starting from Top of the funnel to Middle of the Funnel and Bottom of the Funnel. This allows you to get a portion of all different types of B2B leads at different buying stages. You get consistent lead flow across the sales funnel, with options to set the pace and requirement.
You can utilize a portion of funnel, combined in a single campaign or program: